Focus – Construction Monitoring

Construction projects management is more complex and challenging than normal project operations. A few factors that contribute to this factor are

  • Involvement of multiple parties
  • Lack of proper tools for effective collaboration and information dissemination between planners and engineers at site
  • Inadequacies in material management leading to more waste

Affine product FOCUS addresses all these factors and other inherent problems in construction activity that traditional project management systems do not cater.

Focus enables

  • Real time Information Sharing between all stakeholders
  • Capture and Track critical construction activities and materials that are not managed by the traditional project management systems
  • Create customizable workflows for effective work management
  • Schedule detailed tasks that are not covered by any project management systems
  • Engineers at site with all required information via mobile app, to take timely and informed decisions
  • Real time status updates to all stakeholders
  • Effective material management, reducing wastage of resources
  • Seamless integration with existing Project Management and ERP systems

The application software is very comprehensive covers pour planning, Rebar planning and production including the embedded parts, formworks, mixture recipes and maps the materials to BOQ items. Material utilization and reconciliation is included to ensure minimum wastage. Billing is automated with respect to work progress to ensure no slippages in realizations. Given the mobile enablement progress is captured at every instant and can be monitored even remotely by the concerned personnel.